Here is our commitment

  • To create spaces of belonging for participants where your experience and voice matters.
  • To hold with gentle curiosity and presence the hard conversations that arise, and the accompanying emotions.
  • To invite content and insights on power and privilege, equity and inclusion, and the practices to hold the work.
  • To facilitate sessions that call on diverse and inclusive representation
  • To invite all voices however they want to express themselves, including the use of silence.

Here is what we mean

These terms have meaning. They weave together, and do not stand alone.

  • Inclusion – creating space where people’s voice, perspective, and lived experience matters. Where people feel a sense of belonging.
  • Diversity – creating space is composed of diversity in ways that matter such as race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation such as LGBTQ+ communities, womxn, national origin, and more.
  • Equity – creating space that is equally accessible to those who have historically been systematically excluded and marginalized by oppressive structures.

A helpful resource for your own journey – Aiko Bethea on the Dare To Lead with BrenĂ© Brown.

There are societal structures and systems that oppress people, denying equal access to opportunity. Reflecting and acting on this reality through equity & inclusion work is a responsibility for us all.

Holon Leadership strives to craft spaces that invite equal access for those who are systematically excluded and/or marginalized by structures and narratives, and holds spaces where diverse voices, perspectives, and lived experiences are valued and have psychological safety to show up and be expressed.

We commit to setting intentions and working our way towards them.

Equity & Conclusion