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Leadership skills needed when defining your “why”

Simon Senek’s viral YouTube Video on Start With Why helped inspire leaders to connect with their purpose. He describes the Golden Circle that motivates us to tell our story from the inside out; from our WHY to our HOW, to our WHAT.

I am digging further into my Why over this summer solstice. What is the purpose for Holon Leadership? I do this as a woman who sees her business as part of a movement that is calling forth the self leadership the world needs at this time. And so I turn to the tools I know to inspire my reflection process: a Theory of Change, a personal reflection exercise, and a journey map.

Defining your why requires key attributes in your self leadership. Here are a few:

  • sensing what is needed and relevant
  • keeping the ecosystem needs at the centre, and your ego outside
  • unlearning, letting go, and putting aside
  • using a diversity lens to capture insight and perspective beyond your usual sight lines, horizons and sources
  • using your deep democracy skills to humbly stand in another person’s shoes
  • owning your power and privilege with humility as a lens, a leverage, and a blind spot

I set myself up to ‘receive listening’ (thank you for this term Marcia Reynolds) from the feedback loops of others as I vulnerable risk trust, creativity and experimentation to enact and embody My Why.

Let’s have a conversation on how we can explore your Why.